OPEN SOURCE BODY is a festival dedicated to the intersections between contemporary art and the issues of the living: health, bodies, their medical technologization, the continuum between species, their interdependencies, access to care, the reappropriation of medical techniques and data…
Initiated in 2018 by Ewen Chardronnet and organized by ART2M and its medialab, OPEN SOURCE BODY promotes encounters and collaborations between artists, designers, technologists and the medical world, health professionals, biomedical researchers, as well as crossovers with the humanities and environmental sciences.
OPEN SOURCE BODY promotes the idea of open health.


Anne-Cécile WORMS – Director

Ewen CHARDRONNET – Curator – Editor in chief of MAKERY
Natasa PETRESIN-BACHELEZ – Co-curator – In charge of the cultural program of the Cité internationale des arts

Guillaume RENOUD GRAPPIN – Production manager
Carine LE MALET – Communication – Reception of artists

Benjamin GAULON – Technical director
Vincent VALERY – Scenography
Julien MAUDET – Stage manager

François ROBIN – Webmaster
Olivier MORVAN / – Graphic designer
Elsa FERREIRA – Deputy editor in chief – MAKERY
Marie ALBERT – Director of publication ART4MED